Robert Aguila

Robert Aguila

Background Info Robert Aguila has been playing the violin for over 6 years. For high school, he attended Miami Arts Studios at Zelda Glazer 6-12, where he discovered his love and passion for music and the violin. Robert has never had a private teacher before, but his immense discipline pushed him to go further and further throughout his years of learning. But, he did have his orchestra teacher, Vivian Gonzalez, who has helped and motivated Robert through some violin lessons to help him with auditions and summer camps to improve his technique and musicality. With the little help Robert received (But immense support from friends and family), Robert has been accepted into many summer camps and events. He performed Beethovens 5th Symphony along side the New World Symphony at New World Center, Accepted 4 straight years into Miami-Dade Honors Orchestra since 2020, accepted into YOLA National Festival, accepted into Luzern Music Festival with a $5360 full-ride scholarship. He was accepted into the National Youth Orchestra program for Three straight years, where he received outstanding help from principle violinists at orchestras all around the United States like the MET Opera and Philadelphia Philharmonic. Robert has traveled North America on a 13 city coast-to-coast tour with the National Youth Orchestra of the United States of America (NYO-USA). There, he accompanied legendary violinists Hilary Hahn and Gil Shaham, playing the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto and the Barber Violin Concerto. Robert has performed in numerous venues and stages like Carnegie Hall, Groton Hill Music Center in Massachusetts, Amphithéâtre in Joilette Quebec, Schermerhorn Symphony Center in Nashville,Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas Texas, Walk Festival Hall in Jackson Wyoming, Stanford University in San Jose California, and Rady Shell in San Diego, etc. Now, Robert is studying Violin in Florida International University as a Violin Performance major in the studio of Misha Vitenson.